Here is the Guide to Entering Indonesia from Abroad

Jump to Indonesia
Ilmu Sesuatu
Luc Tekno

Here is the Guide to Entering Indonesia from Abroad
Here is the Guide to Entering Indonesia from Abroad

Do You, JumpToIndonesia Friends, Already Know Indonesia's Visa and Immigration Policies?

Before embarking on an exciting adventure to explore the natural wonders of Indonesia, make sure you, JumpToIndonesia friends, have the necessary travel documents.

It would be even better if you already have complete information about Indonesia's visa and immigration policies from your home country to avoid any unwanted surprises.

You can visit the Visa and Immigration Information page to learn more about entering Indonesia and other related information.

1 | How to Enter Indonesia Easily via Air Travel?

Soekarno-Hatta InternationalAirport in Tangerang (right on the outskirts of Jakarta) and Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali are the two main entry points for foreign tourists traveling to Indonesia by air.

Both airports have undergone extensive expansion processes, making them equipped with the latest and more comfortable facilities.

Other airports serving international flights include Juanda Airport in Surabaya, Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar, and Kuala Namu Airport in Medan.

The newly established West Java International Airport in Majalengka, West Java, approximately 68 kilometers from the city of Bandung, also offers various international flights.

Air travel from the United States to Indonesia takes a minimum of 20 hours with at least one stopover in East Asia, Europe, or the Middle East.

Meanwhile, travel from most European countries takes less than 20 hours.

In Europe, there are direct flights from Amsterdam, London, and Istanbul, but for JumpToIndonesia friends located in cities other than those mentioned, at least one stopover is required.

For flights from Australia, which is relatively close to Indonesia, the air travel time is about 4-7 hours.

Some major cities in the Middle East also offer departures with regular schedules to Indonesia.

Additionally, there are short-haul flights from several cities in Indonesia to cities in Malaysia, such as from Pontianak to Kuching, Tarakan to Tawau, and Pekanbaru to Malacca.

Garuda Indonesia, Indonesia's national airline, serves flight routes to several cities in Southeast Asia, East Asia, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Amsterdam, and London.

Garuda Indonesia also has an extensive code-sharing agreement (Sky Team), providing a good frequency of flights from various airports in neighboring countries to Indonesia.

Besides Garuda Indonesia, other international airlines that offer travel routes to and from Indonesia include AirAsia, Cathay Pacific Airways, China Airlines, Emirates, Eva Air, Firefly, Japan Airlines, KLM, Korean Air, Lion Air, Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines, and Qantas/Jetstar Airways.

2 | How to Enter Indonesia Easily via Sea Routes?

Ferry Boats

Indonesia can be reached by sea, and one way is by using ferry boats.

Indonesia's sea routes are directly connected to neighboring countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Ports commonly accessed by foreign tourists are connected between Sumatra and the Riau Islands with ports in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia.

The geographical proximity between Batam and Bintan Islands in the Riau Islands to Singapore and Malaysia makes these twin islands the third and fourth main entry points to Indonesia.

Additionally, there are ferry boats that connect Sabah, Malaysia, and East Kalimantan.

These two ports serve routes to Jakarta or other islands in Indonesia.

Roll On Roll Off (RoRo) ships connect General Santos and Davao in the Philippines with Bitung in North Sulawesi.

Ferry boats provide regular trips from Singapore to several ports in Batam, Tanjung Pinang, and Bintan Telani Lagoi (resort) on Bintan Island.

JumpToIndonesia Friends can also take daily ferry boats from Singapore to Tanjung Balai on Karimun Island.

In Peninsular Malaysia, there are ferry boats offering daily trips to Batam, Bintan, Tanjung Balai, Dumai, Pekanbaru, and Tanjung Balai Asahan, available at the Johor Bahru Port and Kland Port.

Cruise Ships and Sailboats

Cruise ships stop at five ports in Indonesia: Tanjung Priok (North Jakarta), Tanjung Perak (Surabaya), Belawan (near Medan), Makassar, and Tanjung Benoa (Bali).

There are 24 regular cruise itineraries from Singapore to Java and Bali, as well as several special itineraries to Bali and Nusa Tenggara.

JumpToIndonesia friends can board cruise ships and stop at specific locations along with other passengers during the journey, with immigration handled on board.

This stop can be the final destination of your voyage, but JumpToIndonesia friends must visit the Immigration office after docking to process the necessary documents.

In commitment to facilitating entry into Indonesian waters, the Indonesian government has implemented several simplified procedures.

These policies include the waiver of the Cabotage principle, allowing cruise ships to embark and disembark passengers at predetermined ports.

The Indonesian government has also streamlined customs, immigration, quarantine, and port authority procedures and accelerated the process of sailing permits from one month to one day.

The Clearance and Approval for Indonesia Territory (CAIT) policy has also been abolished. Now, ships can register online through the website The Clearance and Approval for Indonesia Territory (CAIT).

3 | How to Enter Indonesia via Land Borders if You Are in Border Areas?

Indonesia has three land border areas directly adjacent to three countries: Timor Island with Timor-Leste, Kalimantan with Malaysia, and Papua with Papua New Guinea.

The Indonesia-Timor-Leste border area is in Atambua City, where Motaain serves as the International Border Crossing Post.

Two other posts in Atambua are Matamauk and Napan.

From Malaysia, there are regular buses operating on the route from Kuching (East Malaysia) to Pontianak (West Kalimantan).

These buses pass through the International Border Crossing Post in Entikong. Meanwhile, the Aruk International Border Crossing Post in the Sambas region connects West Kalimantan with Sarawak, Malaysia.

Lastly, the Nanga Badau Sanggau International Border Crossing Post connects areas in West Kalimantan with Sarawak, Malaysia.

The only land border connecting Papua and Papua New Guinea is the Skouw International Border Crossing Post located in the Mauratami District, approximately 60 kilometers from Jayapura, the capital of Papua Province.

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